Best practice signage and wayfinding design

Its best when everyone knows the rules

Signage and Wayfinding Design – Size and Distance

Design for the viewing distance

Allow people to absorb information on approach

Broad groups For distance

As the information goes from general purpose to audience specific, signs get closer, type sizes smaller.

  • Distant – Primary information eg: branding landmarks and zones

  • Intermediate – Secondary information eg: external circulation signage

  • Close – Tertiary information eg: lift directories, room labels, internal circulation signage


The size of the information displayed will be appropriate to the distance the sign is viewed from.

Information height and placement

Information should be located at a height appropriate to their function and place in the sign hierarchy.

View ports

From every sign, the next sign in the path of travel should be visible.

Sign Scale

Signs are scaled to the size of the content. Content is not scaled to fit a sign size. 

Robert Luxford