Best practice signage and wayfinding design

Its best when everyone knows the rules

Signage and Wayfinding Design – Fundamentals

What are the guiding principles that guide wayfinding design?

Wayfinding best practice basics

Lets start with the core purpose

Core Principles

Know where you are.

Know your destination.

Know the best route.

Know when you have arrived. 


Create an identity at each location, different from all others. 

  • Use landmarks to provide orientation cues and memorable locations. 

  • Create well-structured paths. 

  • Create regions of differing visual character. 

  • Don't give the user too many choices in navigation. 

  • Use survey views (give navigators a vista or map). 

  • Provide signs at decision points to help wayfinding decisions. 

  • Use sight lines to show what's ahead.

From one sign, another should be seen
Robert Luxford